The Cobbler's Kids Have Shoes

Posted by on Apr 15, 2010 in Uncategorized | No Comments

After a year of threatening to create a new website for KRD, we did. It was actually a lot of fun to be on the other side of the desk as the client. Now I know firsthand what it’s like to work with KRD… and it’s not half bad — of course I could have been a little nicer to myself, but overall it was a great experience. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Last year we moved into our new office which, before we got here, was the first gas/service station in Westport, CT. So you’ll find some nods on the site to the grease monkey that lives on in this place. We love it here working in this space designed by Michael Glynn Architects. The New York Times seemed to like it a lot too. They did a nice article about the transition from service station to design studio.

Hope all of our clients enjoy finding “themselves” on the site. I so enjoyed writing a little something about each of you… made me realize how fortunate we are to be working with the caliber of clients that we do. And that brings me to this section of the site… our blog. You may be wondering what you will read here. Well, I am fiercely supportive and proud as a peacock when it comes to our clients. So, I intend to use this blog to toot their horn. And I’ll also be sharing design ideas, resources, inspiration, and general food for thought that catches our eye here at KRD.

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