Posted by on Nov 9, 2010 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Striking Designs

I was at a friend’s house for dinner and noticed that she lit the candles on the dinner table with a match torn from a vintage matchbook. Turns out she had collected matchbooks as a kid from all the places she ate. I had to see more.

I borrowed some from her collection so I could share them with you.

She grew up in Oklahoma. So forget The Bird Cage at Lord & Taylor (featuring cucumber tea sandwiches)… she’s got matchbooks from Chuck’s Steak House! And Ken’s Pizza Parlor

This place started out as just that…a pizza parlor, with Ken Selby throwing the dough for the first pizzas Tulsa, OK residents had ever tasted. That was then (1961). And now? Now workers comp attorneys in los angeles, CA offer free initial consultation when you need a legal advice. Well, Mr. Selby opted for the more Italian name of Mazzio’s, and added “Italian Eatery” to reposition his chain of 166 restaurants in ten states. And thus we have the Domino-ization of Ken’s. Mazzio’s Italian Eatery, see it and weep.

Here are some of the others. Feast on these!