Running in Place

Posted by on Nov 10, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments

We are so pleased to announce the launch of the site: HOHAS in Love — promoting a new book by Laurence Graham on running through the boroughs and running into love. KRD had the privilege of working with the author to design and develop the site he envisioned to present his first oeuvre in paperback to the world. The site gives the reader a sneak peak at the book while engaging him/her in the author’s unique approach to the subject. You may say, geesh, there are miles of books on running — how to’s on improving your stride; your training; your times… HOHAS takes the road less traveled and focuses on a cast of characters and the camaraderie that happens in a running club. The book has already received high praise from the grand shamans (and sha-womans) of the sport — and we made sure we included these accolades on the site too.


Hohas in Love

Our designer, Tom Lewek hit the mark with his graphics which took the runners “through” all kinds of terrain, all while staying on the exact same page where they started. Our programmer, Rich Testani had the task of creating the illusion we envisioned for our popsicle stick figures. We wanted the viewer to engage in the site and feel they were dragging these figures through the site with them without the use of a scroll interface. I took a minute to speak to Rich about the site.

KR: How did you approach this project?

RT: Once we had the idea down I had to figure out how to create a single-page layout and move through the site sideways and up and down, while making sure the site filled the particular browser the viewer was using. The idea of the site was to be viewed large to maximize the feeling of running through an open space.

KR: Ugh! This sounds mathematical.

RT: I did create a grid and assigned locations for each section — yes, I did have to work out equations to make the site move correctly and expand as required.

KR: There were other pieces to the site as well as the site navigation you had to layer on top of this.

RT: Yes, I had to program the “secrets” that opened up and then refreshed as the runners started the race again. There is also the “buy” option that had to implemented.

KR: How does it feel to have crossed the finish line?

RT: This site was really fun to work on and I know we are all pleased with the results. But I’m not hanging up my sneakers … We are off and running on our next author’s site for Jay McInerney.

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