On the Set and Other Good Things

Posted by on Apr 14, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments

I have been on TV once, and as far as I know only one friend caught the show because she was up in the middle of the night nursing her baby and couldn’t find the remote. It was a local cable TV show that looped every few hours for an entire day. “Was that really you I saw last night at 2am?” she asked. Oh, yes it was. That morning I had been plunked down in an upholstered chair on the set, given a rolling of the eyes from the producer (presumably because of my casual attire and lack of make-up), while the host walked in asking someone with a clipboard … “And where is she from again?”

So when Lori Sandler, friend and founder of Divvies, the sweet-treats company for those with and without food allergies, landed on national TV in the form of The Martha Stewart Show for the second time the other day, I had to call and compare notes.

KR: So, what was it like?

LS: What struck me most was that there was someone on staff to oversee every detail. There is literally a dedicated staff member for everything. One person waits to see what you are wearing.

KR: Yikes what do they do if you are wearing the wrong thing?

LS: Well, they tell you ahead of time what works well on camera. Basically you need to bring a few tops and they should be in a solid, bright color. And if it’s wrinkled cause it’s been sitting in your bag waiting, there is someone who will steam it.

KR: I know this latest segment you did with Martha Stewart was live. How far in advance of “showtime” did you have to be at the studio?

LS: About two hours.

KR: And what did you do for two hours? Oh, wait. Was there hair and makeup?

LS: Oh, yes. You basically are in a full-fledged, miniature salon in the studio.

KR: Do you rehearse the segment?

LS: The producer walked me out on the set before the audience got there and talked me through the segment. I was so impressed, she knew the topic inside and out and carefully scripted the segment — nothing is off the cuff. She asked me very specific questions ahead of time and came up with a wonderful introduction to the segment for Martha to deliver.

KR: Impressive. Amazing how people can block out everything going on around them and write a script in minutes.

Speaking of amazing feats, I watched you make your blueberry cake recipe from the Divvies Bakery Cookbook in under two minutes!

LS: (laughing) Well, we ran a little bit short on time. Joan Rivers and her daughter were guests on the show as well, so a lot had to be squeezed into the hour.

KR: When did you know you were going to have to speed-bake?

LS: Well, right after the introduction they put up a sign off-camera that told us, and the producer was waving his arms and motioning us to move it along.

KR: Well, you were totally cool under pressure.

LS: Again, they have everything so prepped. Every ingredient was labeled, and the cake was already baked.

KR: Ah, the wonders of TV land. Did you meet Joan Rivers?

LS: Benjamin did. First of all, she looks great. And she asked him thoughtful, caring questions. She’s just like a really fun, smart grandmother.


Joan and Melissa Rivers with Benjamin Sandler


So much for comparing notes. In the end I didn’t even bring up my TV appearance… actually I forgot to mention it. I was too enthralled with the idea that here is this dedicated, amazing mom who has worked tirelessly for years to launch a snack food company that would make eating a fun, shared experience for kids. And look at her now, cook’n it with Joan Rivers and Martha Stewart!

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