On Our Radar

Posted by on Jun 30, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments

What exactly do we do all day at KRD? Well, we crank up the music, put our feet on the desk and troll the internet for interesting stuff. Well, maybe not all day… and maybe we keep our feet on the floor, but we do virtually “look around” (because we don’t have time to actually go anywhere), in search of inspiration. Here are a few of the things that caught our collective eyes recently.

Running Alphabet

From Tom
As both an avid runner and graphic designer interested in new typefaces, this project by Joan Pans Moll caught my attention right away. Here’s the idea: to run a route along the street that creates one letter of the alphabet while capturing it with a GPS. He’s asking others to participate in the process as well and posting the results to the site. When the alphabet is done in both uppercase and lowercase, his plan is to create a complete typeface from it.


Momentus Project

The Momentus Project is a collaborative effort to create visual works of art from the most defining moments in United States history, curated by designer Evan Stremke. Evan chose some of the top young designers and illustrators to bring this project to life and the work thus far is fantastic. There is new work posted every Monday thru Thursday so check back often, or you can follow along on Twitter with the hashtag #MomentusProject.

Instant Watcher

From Rich
These days I watch more movies and television streamed over the internet than over cable. Watching movies from Netflix is such a great and easy experience I tend to ‘try out’ more movies than I actually watch. Netflix’s website is at fault here since their website is more about recommending movies than it is letting me know what’s new and popular. Instant Watcher helps out here by showing what movies are new and popular in the last 24 hours, and what’s been added to other users’ queues. Because Netflix displays movies based on my own watching habits, I can easily miss some of the hidden gems. Instant Watcher can unearth these for you.

Unhappy Hipsters

And from Kim
An architect friend introduced me to this blog. Using magazine photographs already published, captions are added by witty viewers — forcing said photos to laugh at themselves, despite themselves.

His parents had thought ‘zero impact flooring’ related to their global footprint, not that the carpet wouldn’t tolerate their actual feet. Navigating through the rest of the house was equally exhausting.

(Photo: Mike Sinclair; submitted by Kristine)

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