Don’t Laugh

Posted by on Sep 22, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments

I love to laugh. In fact, it’s probably among my top five favorite things to do.

And I really appreciate a good joke. But, when I stopped to think about the last time I heard one, I realized it’s been a while. SO…. I asked the staff at KRD to make me laugh. They immediately told me they had finished everything I gave them to work on. Very funny. Here are their submissions, no joke!

from our newB at KRD, James
This is one of those things, that for me, no matter how many times I have seen it, it makes me laugh.

…and from our resident programer/developer/impersonator, Richard
Because it’s way too busy for any fooling around here, pictures and minute-long videos are all I time for. Luckily I have really good resources to find some of the funnier, odd and stranger humor on the internet. My son will be so proud.

“Frank, what the heck are you doing?”

She laughs at all his jokes.

..and from our Berlin office, Tom
As a graphic designer my biggest pet peeve in the entire world is disorganization. My job relies on my skills to keep things nice and tidy, the way everything should be! So this week I came across this neat little project by Swiss artist Ursus Wehrli, who, in his new book, takes everyday scenes of disorder and rearranges them into rows, sorted by different attributes like color, size, or shape. It’s the little things in life, like an alphabetized bowl of alphabet soup, that truly makes me smile. View more images from the book here.

Yikes! I’ve got exactly nine months to organize the office before Tom gets back! So not funny.

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